opinionMarch 3, 2025

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I hate to admit it but I'm a bit of a procrastinator.

Just a little.

Some that know me might say that's like being a little bit pregnant.

Okay. I do procrastinate.

Napoleon Hill states that procrastination is the bad habit of putting off until the day after tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday.

I don't procrastinate on everything.

For instance I never put off a meal or the chance to watch a good ballgame.

It usually centers around something unpleasant such as blood work, a trip to the DMV, or cleaning the garage.

In fact any form of sustained physical labor can really bring it on.

My wife has tried to help me with this particular issue many times, however over the years I have acquired the unique ability to completely zone out when she uses a certain tone of voice with me.

I must applaud her persistence though.

At one point in our marriage she thought it might be helpful if I listed what I was procrastinating on and check the items off one by one as I completed the task.

A daily reminder which she placed on the refrigerator which I seem to frequent often.

It actually seemed like a good idea to me.

We do like making lists.

Top ten movie lists.

Top song list and favorite book lists.

Television host David Letterman had a nightly Top Ten list on his late night show.

It might help.


I'd find myself staring at it for long periods of time and eventually a feeling of shame would begin to creep over me.

My ability to zone out assisted with avoiding that uncomfortable feeling as did a well placed piece of artwork from the grandkids.

I am going to try to do better and spring seems to be a logical time to begin.

It's just that everything seems to revolve around physical labor.

Cleaning the yard and that dreaded garage.

I've made some progress.

I've started on many chores, however I now have a mess of unfinished projects, which causes clutter, which needs to be cleaned, which involves labor.

Wife yelling.

Zone time.

She's suggested the list theory again.

Perhaps, but March Madness is approaching and spring training is in full swing.

I do procrastinate.

My wife just handed me my least favorite list.

The honey do list.

I'm going to beat this procrastination habit.

Yes indeed.

I'm going to put that at the top of my New Year's resolution list next January.

See you out there.
