NewsNovember 10, 2011

Lecia Forester
Staff photo by Lecia Forester
Phillip Greenway, VFW commander, left, presents Ward Billings, KMS principal, right, with the United States flag.
Staff photo by Lecia Forester Phillip Greenway, VFW commander, left, presents Ward Billings, KMS principal, right, with the United States flag.Lecia Forester
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Lecia Forester
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Lecia Forester
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Lecia Forester
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Lecia Forester
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Lecia Forester
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Lecia Forester
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Lecia Forester
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Lecia Forester
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Lecia Forester
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Lecia Forester
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Lecia Forester
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Lecia Forester
Staff photo by Lecia Forester
Local veterans were honored at the Patriot Pen Awards/Veterans Day Assembly held at the Kennett Middle School on Wednesday morning. Back row, left to right, are: Phillip Greenway, VFW 35443 commander,  Ron Myers, U.S. Navy Vietnam Veteran, Morris Lambert, U.S. Army Vietnam Veteran, Police Officer Jesse Wells, U.S. Marines, Operation Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom, David Greene, U.S. Navy Vietnam Veteran, Mon T. Grays, U.S. Army Vietnam Veteran, Terry Napier, U.S. Army Vietnam Veteran, and Harry Turner, VFW Quartermaster and U.S. Army Vietnam Veteran.  Front row,  left to right, are: Sergeant First Class Garrett Cox, Missouri Army National Guard, First Lieutenant Adam Vonallmen, Missouri Army National Guard and Staff Sergeant Matthew Takach, Missouri Army National Guard.
Staff photo by Lecia Forester Local veterans were honored at the Patriot Pen Awards/Veterans Day Assembly held at the Kennett Middle School on Wednesday morning. Back row, left to right, are: Phillip Greenway, VFW 35443 commander, Ron Myers, U.S. Navy Vietnam Veteran, Morris Lambert, U.S. Army Vietnam Veteran, Police Officer Jesse Wells, U.S. Marines, Operation Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom, David Greene, U.S. Navy Vietnam Veteran, Mon T. Grays, U.S. Army Vietnam Veteran, Terry Napier, U.S. Army Vietnam Veteran, and Harry Turner, VFW Quartermaster and U.S. Army Vietnam Veteran. Front row, left to right, are: Sergeant First Class Garrett Cox, Missouri Army National Guard, First Lieutenant Adam Vonallmen, Missouri Army National Guard and Staff Sergeant Matthew Takach, Missouri Army National Guard.Lecia Forester
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Lecia Forester
Staff photo by Lecia Forester
VFW Commander Phillip Greenway, left, presents Tina Brown, KMS teacher, right, with the "Teacher of the Year" award. Look in on is  Janice Roberts, center, who received a challenge coin.
Staff photo by Lecia Forester VFW Commander Phillip Greenway, left, presents Tina Brown, KMS teacher, right, with the "Teacher of the Year" award. Look in on is Janice Roberts, center, who received a challenge coin.Lecia Forester
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Lecia Forester
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Lecia Forester
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Lecia Forester
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Lecia Forester
Staff photo by Lecia Forester
The winners of the Patriot Pen Awards were announced at the Veterans Day Assembly at the KMS on Wednesday. Shown from left to right are: First place winner, Bond Rouse, Phillip Greenway, VFW commander, Second place winner, Sofia Ezquivel and Third place winner, Luke Jones.
Staff photo by Lecia Forester The winners of the Patriot Pen Awards were announced at the Veterans Day Assembly at the KMS on Wednesday. Shown from left to right are: First place winner, Bond Rouse, Phillip Greenway, VFW commander, Second place winner, Sofia Ezquivel and Third place winner, Luke Jones.Lecia Forester
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Lecia Forester
