The Kennett City Council in Tuesday's session is expected to vote up or down regarding a mosquito management contract with a vendor that has served the city in good faith for years.
Mosquito control by Vector Disease Control costs the city $93,730 annually, remitted in 12 monthly payments of $7,810.86, a three percent increase from previous years that was negotiated down from the projected cost of $97,825 annually, said Ward IV Councilor and Finance Committee Chair Steve Panousis.
City Clerk Jan McElwrath said the project is taxpayer-funded by a $2 fee added monthly to Kennett Board of Public Works customers' bills.
According to the agreement, the five-year contract applies to the 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, and 2029 terms.
Services include at least four rounds of aerial treatments, disease monitoring with species and pest population counts, and weekly larvicide applications, with testing processes included in the price.
Ward I Councilor Lisa Dry is on Tuesday's agenda and will offer a report with respect to health insurance plans for city employees.
The council votes on a stop sign ordinance before it addresses new business and then adjourns into executive session to discuss city personnel issues.
The Kennett City Council meets at 6:30 p.m. on the first and third Tuesdays of every month in the council chambers at Kennett City Hall, 200 Cedar St., Kennett.
The public is encouraged to attend.