The February meeting of the Arbyrd City Council began with community members voicing their concerns on a variety of topics.
The conversation began with the amount of dilapidated properties within the city.
Board members explained the difficulties in forcing homeowners to clean up properties or the city acquiring properties in order to clean them up.
Drainage issues were also discussed. Board members stated the Jetter the city has is being repaired. Also, a grant was being sought to address drainage issues in the city.
Mosquito spraying was the third topic addressed.
Citizens questioned the one dollar charge on bills and whether or not mosquito spraying would be administered this summer.
City Clerk Flora Smith informed, “The money collected goes into a specific line item in the budget to go towards chemicals and repairs to the mosquito sprayer.”
Smith continued, “The sprayer was the issue last year and should be repaired before mosquito spraying time this summer.
A community member asked if it would be possible to contract a company to spray for mosquitos.
The Board explained there were no funds for such an expensive contract.
In old business, Smith presented the Board with an ordinance concerning floodplain management procedures that SEMA requested the City to adopt. Councilman Derrick Higgins made a motion to table the ordinance until the March meeting.
Councilman Greg Hulett second the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried.
Smith then read an email to the Board explaining the consequences of not complying with SEMA.
If a city is placed on probation for noncompliance, citizens who are required to pay flood insurance would pay an additional $50 on all policies.
If the city further declines to work with SEMA and/or FEMA, the city will be suspended from the flood program.
This will result in citizens not being able to purchase flood insurance, either to renew current flood insurance or purchase new policies. The city will not be eligible for federal grants or loans, the city is not eligible for federal disaster assistance, mortgage institutions will not be able to provide funding for structures within the city due to lack of flood insurance or eligibility for disaster relief.
No decisions were made.
Smith followed by sharing that after contacting both Bootheel Regional and the Missouri Rural Water Association she found there are no grants or loans for water tower inspections.
Inspections are considered routine maintenance and it is expected that communities will have a reserve to handle that expense.
The matter then turned to Survival Flight services.
Councilman Higgins stated that he spoke with the fire department and it was decided that continuing in Survival Flight would be an expense that members would have to self-pay going forward.
A discussion was then held on the consideration of water and sewer rate increases.
In January's meeting, board members requested calculations to consider a rate increase during February's meeting.
Smith presented the Board with information for three percent, five percent, and ten percent increases for water and sewer rates.
Hulett made a motion to increase the water and sewer rates ten percent, making the minimum bill inside city limits $68.64, and outside city limits for water only customers $42.10 and water and sewer customers $79.23. Councilwoman Brandy George second the motion, with all in favor, and the motion carried.
Smith followed presenting the Board with franchise agreements for Liberty Utilities and Ritter Communications.
Both are updates of outdated ordinances that will ensure the entities are responsible for construction, operation, and maintenance of their properties and equipment.
The Liberty Utilities Franchise Agreement ordinance grants a franchise to Liberty Utilities to supply, furnish, sell, and distribute natural gas inside city limits and states that Liberty Utilities will have the right to install, supply, furnish, sell and maintain facilities reasonably necessary and in return Liberty will pay the city five percent of collection.
Higgins made a motion to accept the franchise agreement proposed by Liberty Utilities. Hulett brought fortrh the second and the motion carried with all in favor.
An ordinance granting Ritter Cable Communications to operate, maintain, and sell cable services and in return Ritter Cable Communications will pay three percent of collections.
George made a motion to accept the Ritter communications franchise agreement, and Councilman Pete Evans brought forth the the second. Motion carried with all in favor.
Higgins then requested the Board consider applying for a drainage grant.
Grant writer Mitzi Dell would apply for a matching grant for drainage. Waters Engineering firm would need to assess the City's drainage needs and the City would need to earmark $40,000 for the grant.
Hulett made a motion to Mitzi Dell to apply for the matching grant regarding drainage, improvements with a $40,000 obligation from the City, and to hire Water Engineering to provide the assessment for the project.
George second the motion, and it carried.
Smith read the police report provided by Officer Sabrina Kellums. There were seven traffic stops resulting in two citations, no insurance, and no driver's license.
It was shared that Kellums has been working on getting the department compliant with the RAP back program and MIBRS in order for the department to qualify for grants.
Blue Line Technologies was able to install the program on the desktop computer in the department.
A newer laptop will need to be obtained for the program to work properly.
The Dunklin County Sheriff's Office and the Prosecutor requires each department to have this program.
Fire Chief Higgins presented the fire report which consisted of several medical calls and assisting Hornersville with a fire call.
Spring Cleanup will take place during the week of March 17. A dumpster will be placed in a central location for residents to use to dispose of large items.
The Rabies Vaccination Clinic will take place on April 5 from 11:45 to 12:00 at the Arbyrd City Park. The small amount of time was questioned. In response, the clinic stated there was little participation in Arbyrd, therefore if participation increases, so will their time here.
If anyone has questions, contact the Malden Vet Clinic at 573-276-5744.